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Oral Presentation
Pediatric Grand Rounds
N421: Clinical Management of Children of the Family

Purpose of Assignment

To provide the student an opportunity to integrate knowledge from the sciences, developmental theory and physical assessment data to the care of a pediatric patient and family in the acute care setting.  The student will utilize critical thinking and independent judgments in presenting a holistic plan of care in a formal oral presentation.

Student Approach to Assignment

            My approach to this assignment was to gather all pertinent clinical data about a pediatric patient of my choosing and consolidate it into an oral presentation. In this presentation I would explain the pathophysiology of a disease process and plan of care for my patient. Furthermore, I considered the culture, assessment data, and multidimensional atraumatic care as it is relevant to a pediatric patient.

Reason for Inclusion of this Assignment in the Portfolio

This required assignment is relevant for inclusion because it depicts shows my training and understanding of assessing and caring for a pediatric client in an acute care setting. In this assignment I demonstrate my ability to apply nursing theory and clinical knowledge and present my care and findings in a clear and concise oral presentation.

  1. Critical Thinking

    • Uses decision-making skills in making clinical or professional judgments

    • Engages in creative problem solving

      • Example:  I explain in my oral presentation that many clinical and professional judgments where made during my time caring for a pediatrics client. However, one specific example made was when providing medication administration to my patient. When administering medication to my patient, I was informed by my patients’ family that drug names gave my patient anxiety and made her feel afraid. Thus, the decision was made to follow the ideology of atraumatic care as to not cause anxiety to my patient while still providing her the medication that she required. Therefore, my nurse and I got creative and talked with the patient and her family to come up with alternative names for her medication such as unicorn water for her chemotherapy treatment. However, we would always inform the mother of the actual medication that was being provided as to ensure clarity.

  1. Teaching

    • Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to enhance one’s own knowledge base

      • Example: In this oral presentation I had to utilize multiple databases and forms of information technologies to acquire the relevant information I needed to enhance my personal knowledge on my patient and her disease. For example, I accessed that PubMed database to gain access concerning a recent study about the relationship between nutritional status and treatment-related neutropenia in children with nephroblastoma. I also gathered information from to gain information on the staging of neuroblastoma. Being able to utilize information technologies has provided me with that ability to enhance my knowledge base about my patient’s disease and treatment plan.    

  2. Communication

    • Expresses oneself and communicates effectively with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of media

      • Example: In this oral presentation I utilized power point, handouts, clinical finding charts, and recent nursing studies to effectively convey the relevant information about my patient and her condition. For example, one portion of my presentation includes a chart of all assessment dated from all the body systems. It is essentially a visual representation of my nursing head to toe assessment with all findings included. This allowed the viewer to understand the patient’s physical condition at the time of the assessment. Furthermore, this presentation was provided to a multidisciplinary group of my clinical instructor, student nurses, and registered nurses from the unit.

Oral Presentation: Text


Pediatric Grand Rounds PP Presentation

Oral Presentation: Files
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